SFIN | SFIN Digital Asset Info | MEXC Exchange

SFIN Quick Project Information

Songbird Finance Token (SFIN) is the ecosystem's primary governance and rewards token. It has a primary focus on governing rates across the entire ecosystem and maintains a higher authority in swaying the outcome of various forms of governance proposals in the ecosystem with a 10,000/1 voting power over EXFI.
You can find more information about SFIN history, system features and how to use it in MEXC Blog.

SFIN Token on MEXC

If you are looking to buy, trade or hold SFIN (SFIN) — consider MEXC Exchange as your first stop! With our products the process will be convenient, fast and secure! Trade SFIN on MEXC now and enjoy super-low spot maker and taker fees. Just by clicking buttons below you will find detailed instructions on how to buy SFIN or access MEXC SFIN and other crypto markets & trading terminals.
English name of the tokenSFIN
Withdrawal StatusAvailable
Chinese name of the tokenSFIN
Deposit StatusAvailable
Issue Time--
Trading statusTradable
Issue Price--
Max Supply10,999.99997643

SFIN (SFIN) Converter & Calculator

Effortlessly convert SFIN and other cryptocurrencies to stay updated on the latest fiat exchange rates. Whether you're buying, selling, or simply tracking the market, our real-time data keeps you informed every step of the way. With just a few clicks, you can access instant results: simply select a crypto you wish to convert, enter the amount, and select your desired fiat currency. It's never been easier!