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How to Cancel Your Account

If you want to cancel/delete your MEXC account, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the mobile app and tap on the user icon in the top left corner of the homepage to access the personal center.
  2. Tap on "Security" and then select "Delete Account." To protect your assets, you will not be able to delete your account if your total assets exceed 5 USDT.
  3. Choose the reason for deleting your account and click "Proceed".
  4. Read the notice and check the box that says "I have read and fully understand the consequences." Then, click "Delete Account" to continue to the security verification page.
  5. Once you have successfully completed the security verification, your request to delete your account will be submitted. You can click the "Cancel Request" button at the bottom of the page to cancel your request.
  6. Once you have confirmed your account deletion, you will need to contact customer service to provide additional information.


Deleting your MEXC account will result in the following consequences:

  1. After your account has been successfully deleted, you will not be able to log in to your original MEXC account. Your account and its assets will be irrecoverable.
  2. The account deletion process will be completed within 15 working days.
  3. During the account deletion process, you must refrain from depositing or trading with your account. Any losses incurred will be your personal responsibility.
  4. Once you have confirmed your application to delete your account through the app, you will also need to contact online customer service to provide additional information. Once customer service has verified your identity, the account deletion process may proceed.